Emily V.'s First Blog

Hello, I'm Emily and I will be telling you what happened in Ms. Nakada's Zoom on Monday, August 31st. First, she took attendance. Then, we talked about our stress levels. Ms. Nakada talked about the blog, and Cameron picked me to do the blog this time. 

We wrote the agenda for this week in our English notebooks. 

Then, we talked about the quote of the week: "To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must do to undermine the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination." bell hooks

We discussed and answered the question of the week which was "What do you think about distance learning?" I said it sucks. 

We listened and discussed the song of the week which was "What's 
Going On" by Marvin Gaye. 

Then, the class ended and we left the Zoom.


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