Aahana's First Blog


Notebook/Blog Set-Up

Q. Q. Song

What good readers do:

The Outsiders Ch. 1 -4

HW: Read and write RJs for Ch.1 - 4

I was the first to volunteer, for some reason, so now everyone will be nice to me, ha, ha. Ms. Nakada had us label our notebooks and start the table of contents.

Every time I'm on Zoom, I kinda laugh because looking at the people staring at the screen looks like the hamster meme(lol). Next, we set up our journal: agenda, homework, the quote, the question, and the song of the week. This feels weird typing and doing work at the same time. It's a tad difficult, but it's fine. The quote was from Ralph Waldo Emerson. I thought the quote meant was that even though the world that want you to be happy as somebody that you are not, staying true to yourself and not being something else to live up to societies standards is an accomplishment and is enough to be proud of. Then, we talked about how we wanted the COVID-19 to end so we could go back to school.

Then, we listened to the song “We Are Going to Be Friends.” I sang this song in my fifth grade winter concert. I love that song. :)

We learned about what good readers do, and then we started reading The Outsiders.


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