
Showing posts from January, 2021

Class Blog for Wednesday

First, we wrote and corrected the blog.  Then, we did Q. Q. & Song.  The quote was from President Obama.  We talked about Hamilton for the song of the week which was "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story." We read Inside Out and Back Again . Then, we went into break out rooms and read  Inside Out and Back Again. We talked about the poems and also talked about the homework of our collages.

Class Blog for Friday

We listened to Amanda Gorman, the inaugural poet. On Friday, we all were put into breakout groups to discuss and read a poem together. We talked about the summaries for I.O.A.B.A. We took a quiz on what we learned this week. 

Class Blog for Wednesday

On Wednesday we corrected the blog. We did our Quote, Question, and Song of the Week.  Quote: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stand in times of challenge and controversy." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Question: Why is it important to take a stand?  Song: "Eyes on the Prize" by Sweet Honey in the Rock.  We wrote in the Jamboard and read the poems in Inside Out and Back Again . Then, we made summaries for IO&BA and after we submitted the assignment, we could go. 

Leah's Second Blog

Today in Ms. Nakada's class, we finished up some old notes from Wednesday. After that, we went to the Epic website and we read the first poem of I.O. & B.A. We took some small notes while, and after reading. Then, we all took the week one quiz.