
Showing posts from November, 2020

Monica's First Blog

Today, I was picked to the blog. The first thing that happened was Ms. Nakada talking about our whole class percentage and others classes, after that she told us a PEP talk from Jason Reynolds, I suppose. It practically summarized into, don't quit on your novels just because it's Thanksgiving. Once that happened, we all started to write about 20 minutes for our Na No Wri Mo.

Angela's First Blog

What we did on Friday afternoon were: missing  assignments, the blog that David did, and a TED talk. Not just any TED talk though, this was from an African woman from Nigeria named Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. What she basically did is she was explain how a single story can be bad because it shows only one side of the story. For example, some police have a single story on people of color and that's why they target them. Then, after that we did some writing.

David P.'s First Blog

Today, I got picked to do the blog. I didn't want to do it. Today we drew a clock and split in half one side ordinary world the other side special world. We also watched a video about "The Hero's Journey" and what we are going to do today. Then, we went to do NaNoWriMo.

Kevin's First Blog

   Today I picked to do the blog. We went over a quote from Neil Gaiman and how the author writes on how easy and hard it is, meaning it's a paradox. We then went over the question of the week which was: What do you want more than anything else? I wrote that I want to have a good journey in life and to never give up. We also listen to the song "Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution" by Tracy Chapman. After that, we got 30 minutes to write our stories in Na No Wri Mo.