
Showing posts from October, 2020

Tyler's First Blog

 Well, today was kinda weird, if I say so myself. We started to do Createtober (today was Kick/Kicks) and while we were doing that, the host/teacher position kept changing because Ms. Nakada was gonna go to a meeting, but came back and the sub got to go. Anyways, we started writing in our journals a bit after that and doing the same thing as always (blog corrections, Q,Q,Song of the week, etc). Quote: "If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." Toni Morrison Question: Do teachers give too much work? Song: "Joe's Diner" Suzanne Vega Today was special because we were gonna start writing novels. It was a little confusing at first but everyone managed to login and we went over the directions for the novel.

Emily S.'s First Blog

 So today I got to do the blog for this week. Today we did our agenda we do every week like always. Then, we did our Createtober some of shared our drawings we did. We then went over the homework: record RJ for a book of your choice.  We did the quote of the week: "No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark." Warsan Shire.  Question: Do people spend too much time on screens? Song: "Black Boys on Mopeds" by Sinead O'Connor.  Then, we worked on our essay and went over things. Then, class ended.

Emilia's First Blog

Today in Ms. Nakada's class we first went over the blog for Wednesday (which Wahaj did.) Then Ms. Nakada went over our assignment The Outsiders essay which is due on the 23rd. Then after she discussed that we got the rest of class to either finish up our essay prompts or start writing our essay. And that’s what we did on Friday the 16th.

David D.'s First Blog

Today Ms. Nakada had a problem remembering who was supposed to do the blog (me), and had me do the blog on Monday's class. Next, we talked about Createtober (did I spell that right?) and our prompt was shadow. Ms. Nakada showed a picture of a tree with a shadow behind it. Then, we watched a video about how stress is a survival mechanism and how we can control stress. We also watched a video based on a book called My Papi has a Motorcycle a story in the first person about a girl riding with her father in Corona.

Jason's First Blog

Today, Ramsey chose me to do my first blog. Ms. Nakada read Manana, Iguana so we can at least be at 50% of our AR goal.  The quote of the week was by Maya Angelou: "You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have."  The question of the week was: Is it offensive for sports teams to use Native Americans as mascots?  The song of the week was “Hawaii 78” by Iz.  We went over Essay Basics and all of the 5 steps. Today's Createtober was Shatter, I think.  

Ramsey's First Blog

 Well, this is my first blog here it goes today in class, this was our first time doing Createtober because the person that created inktober was caught doing plagiarism. We drew a fish, dish, and a fist, then we went to this site “”  The article was titled The Poverty Myth by Jacqueline Ching, then we read about it as a class and talked about it then that was it.